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Building a better VPC

The best thing about AWS for me has always been that I am not at the mercy of a NetSec team whenever I need to deploy a new network. Having the ability to ad...

Install homebrew for Mac

This one is really simple but people ask me how. So you can either visit and follow the directions or just kick off this curl request.

Install AWS CLI on OSX

You are going to need to make sure you meet a few requirements to install the CLI tools but you should already have most in place. Python 2 or Python 3.3+ Pi...

Extend LVM partition

This is really easy and is something every linux admin should know. In this example we are going to extend it to be 500MB. If I wanted to add 500MB then I wo...

Set service to start on reboot

Come across this one all the time still. To set a service from init.d to start on reboot you can doo the following. First list the service that are available...